Utilizing Talk Therapy to Identify the Roots and Grow Into Your Best Mental Health.

The Focus

Beige Terracotta Wellness Presentation.png

Growing Mindfully, LLC.

Growing Mindfully, LLC is your source for virtual talk therapy in the Carolinas. Mental health should be of the utmost priority and I’m here to guide you on your holistic path to better mental and emotional well-being. I don’t just treat symptoms, we’ll work together to get to the root of the presenting issue.

  • “To put it simply, Jaymie has helped save my life. Working with her throughout the past 5 years in ED recovery, I have learned tools and developed skills to use in overwhelming and anxious moments that help put me back in a rational mindset and accept myself the way I am. The progress we now speak about in our sessions since the time I started working with her is still mind blowing at times, because I grew up never believing I could live a life free from my restrictive and obsessive health patterns - yet today I find myself closer to this place than I could have ever imagined. Jaymie knows how to support and challenge me to grow into the best version of myself and I’m forever grateful for our relationship.”

    Jessica, 23

  • “I started working with Jaymie during my childhood & have continued with her as I transition into adulthood. Whether we are working through severe bouts of mental illness or how to plan my meal preps for work, having a therapist I can trust has changed my life in an unbelievable way. The coping skills, behavioral techniques, and compassion she’s shown have helped me grow into a confident, healthy woman & I am unbelievably grateful to her.”

    Melissa, 23

  • “We first started working with Jaymie about five years ago when my son was having issues related to a chronic disease he suffers from. To say Jaymie is a Godsend would be an understatement. Having her support during the Covid pandemic helped my son develop coping skills that I saw many of my friends’ children did not have. My son is now a teenager and never misses a session with Jaymie. This speaks volumes about her compassion and skill as a therapist. She is truly a gift to our family. For anyone who is contemplating therapy, choosing Jaymie will be the best decision you ever make.”

    Jocelyn, mother of son

  • “Jaymie has helped me tremendously to deal with life’s issues that have been thrown my way one after the other when I felt I could not handle them. Jaymie has an easy going and calm demeanor, which is what you need from a therapist. She has been a God Send.”

    Karen, 50

  • Jaymie has helped me with so many difficulties from social anxiety to school stress to obsessive and perfectionist tendencies. Her effort to make me feel comfortable in our sessions and the judgement-free environment that she creates have caused me to open up to her about many different struggles. Jaymie's talk therapy and all of the coping skills that she has taught me have caused me to be so much happier, so much more mindful, and so much more confident. She has also taught me great everyday tips for staying organized with school and life. The amount that she has helped me grow over the years is unbelievable. I couldn't recommend a better therapist!

    Katie, 19

  • Thankful doesn’t begin to describe how lucky I feel to have found a therapist like Jaymie. Working with her has impacted and changed my life so much from the day I met her when I was only 17. She has helped me through so many things I told myself I could do alone when all I really needed was someone to work with me through it all. Jaymie has been there to help me with ED recovery, the loss of friends, sexual trauma, and insecurities about myself that I constantly deal with every day. Talking to her and using what she has taught me has not only improved my life but helped me see the value in it.

    Sarah, 23


-New Jersey Family Magazine’s List of Favorite Kid's Docs 2018

-New Jersey Family Magazine’s List of Favorite Kid's Docs 2018

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